Friday, March 13, 2009


For my mini-ethnography project I will do one of two things. My first choice for the project is to interview a member of a motorcycle club. This is difficult because I have to first convince the subject that his identity and the identity of his organization will be protected. There is drug use and more adult material occuring at the club's hangout areas; however, there is a lot of jargon that pertains to that lifestyle such as "1%" and "kite." "1%" is defined as "hard riding, hard partying, non mainstream type people" (Biker Dictionary). It typically refers to those who are willing to engage in illegal activity. My subject manufactured his own contact table on myspace and used the word "Kite" in place of message. I have the image stored here : Currently, I assume this means contact privately but I have yet to ask. The subject in question has been a prominent figure in my life for many, many years. He has been a member of 2 MC clubs since I was a child. There were a great deal of years in between the end of one club and the joining of another. I am curious as to why he would avoid this lifestyle only to rejoin it. He is a father and a husband, as are many of his brothers. I find it curious that they are able to juggle their responsibilities with work and family. Also, motorcycles are dangerous and leave the body exposed. My subject was struck by a car about 2 years before and has since struggled with pain-perscription addiction.

If he declines, I will likely write about a friend of mine who has taken a different path. He is intelligent in all fields of education. I consider myself to be adequate in all fields and he can exceed me in mathematics and science. History, we seem evenly matched. I am better in English. Regardless, he should do well in academia because he is of the targeted intellect. Yet, we are on different paths. He is a high school drop out who seems to have no real reasons for doing so. His parents encouraged him to do well in school and he didn’t have economic pressures forcing him to leave school. He had about the same level of responsibility as I did. I am curious regarding his academic choices. Does he regret it? Does he feel prepared for the work force? I doubt college prepares its students. Many people work in unrelated fields regardless. Also, additional training is taken by newly hired persons. But my friend’s predicament reminds me of what would have happened to me if I had not had parental support, or if I had an external force impacting my education. He is fine with being used as my subject. I would likely conduct the interview in a hookah bar because he goes to these establishments frequently. It’s also a good place for conversation. It has a cafĂ© atmosphere but it has the lighting of a lounge. In my experience, duller lights lead to lower inhabitations and an increase in comfortability.

NC Biker Dictionary. March 13, 2009.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley this seems like a rich subject. I'd narrow it down to the linguistic aspects of the culture perhaps focusing on Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. How does their langauge shape their views of life and the world? I also love the angle about the strangeness of the bike club morees and work/family ideals. You could probably do both. Great idea. Are you comfortable with it? Be sure you are.
